Updates and DEMO
Blog Post 5: We finished the code and now the Alexa asks the player 20 questions when asked to.
Blog Post 4: We finalized the code so that Alexa responds to the request of playing the quiz game, and Alexa asks a few questions to the player.
Blog Post 3: We changed the scope of our project to a quiz game that asks the user 20 questions and keeps a tally of how many the player gets correct. After 20 questions are asked, Alexa tells the player their score.
Blog Post 2: We developed a basic framework of the ASK skill that remembers a previous question which then uses that answer to ask another question.
Blog Post 1: We watched tutorials on how to develop an ASK Skill and how to have a skill remember previous questions. Also, we developed an animal tree and sports tree to use for our 21 question game. The next steps will be to get a framework of the 21 question game that will remember a question and use that answer to ask another one.
Blog Post 4: We finalized the code so that Alexa responds to the request of playing the quiz game, and Alexa asks a few questions to the player.
Blog Post 3: We changed the scope of our project to a quiz game that asks the user 20 questions and keeps a tally of how many the player gets correct. After 20 questions are asked, Alexa tells the player their score.
Blog Post 2: We developed a basic framework of the ASK skill that remembers a previous question which then uses that answer to ask another question.
Blog Post 1: We watched tutorials on how to develop an ASK Skill and how to have a skill remember previous questions. Also, we developed an animal tree and sports tree to use for our 21 question game. The next steps will be to get a framework of the 21 question game that will remember a question and use that answer to ask another one.